Sunday, July 29, 2012

Kids ... Family ...

There are certain things about my parents that I don't do to tickle them, but they are still impressed by me and what I do, maybe fake but caring.  I've given up a lot in my life on this front, just to put on a display of something.  It must be peaceful, my parents's getting along, living together, going out in the world.  I never once whined nor felt the need to of my mom's connections she had and maybe had later with people in Chinese Indonesia.  Well, Indonesia, the Chinese, maybe primarily..  I don't feel buttered up the wrong way when I see the connection of my dad's relatives, but I get upset when I can't have a relationship with a lot of them.

So, when I see others, I feel they are sorta sucking up to their parents if they are well-liked or well-known and in some cases to the extreme, which is, in ways, as it should be.  Sometimes, it's the mom that takes on the kids, and, sometimes, it's the dad.  That's rather unkind.  They sometimes seem to be doing it for real.  I can understand having a relationship, but doing it literally to hurt others makes no sense.  I don't understand doing it just so someone can laugh at you and feel like they did it, too, which I don't overall.  There are always selfish reasons for doing things, but I myself get over them, obviously, not sure at the core why others don't.  It seems as though some of these kids think they can discipline the world to like their parents when what they want is to be the only one their parents like.  Some people even only want to be surrounded by people who don't offer healthy competition, like that's what they're told to think and so with physical experiences of the thought.  I know some people can be flirtatious, in ways I just described.