Monday, July 30, 2012


As you can see, I haven't been on it as much as I used to, lately.

I might, later.  I think I need to clean my room.  I just don't feel so settled.

Also, I'm gonna try to get in a movie, soon.  It probably won't be a big one.

I moved my photos.


No Problems

I'm pretty good at believing there is no problem.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


I found that people make a decision about "what" they're going to do, and then they do it without thinking it's wrong.  There is always a reason, though, that makes it right.

Finished Uploading All My Videos


I'm uploading more videos of me talking and walking.


New Videos of Me Doing Gymnastics



I feel bad.  I was doing my laundry, and for some reason it sounded like it'd hurt my dad.  Not sure what all's going on.  He's asleep!  I know it wouldn't have worked.  I just kept working.

Doing Things Others Do

I find people are constantly complaining to me that I do things they can't.  It feels like a threat, though.  It's sad and untrue.

I don't really understand some people.

I don't know why they're less than perfect.  They can't let major issues go wrong and not know what something really is they've done.  Some things seem like they need to be done.  I don't want to be dissed after being tricked and having this feeling permanent, like that I'll never be good enough.  I never did anything to garner that.  Some people may be taught a lesson by that and overcome it, but I'll never figure out what I did wrong in certain places.  It seems that everyone should have relationships with different people, if they want, but sometimes there is no reason other than for prestige or pleasure.  That seems to be all some people've done.

Well, a lot of people might seem dangerous, but I suppose they dress up what they do.  It seems like my approval is what people seek, but I don't want to let things go to far at my expense.

I'm a farce.

It looks like lots of people were mad at me and framed me.  It's too bad things don't go so well for everyone, but they are actually better off than other people in some ways.  People seem to think I'm a farce.  Things for me may be set how I don't like, and it's not my fault.  Other people just pretty things up and want to submit|succumb to others on the inside.  So, like, they hide their actions.  That doesn't make sense.  There are wonderful things in the world that are very real, as most people probably are aware of.  I don't know that I myself wanted to submit|succumb to others.  I might have certain thoughts on certain things of what I'd do.  I don't think I'd have certain problems or issues, in the first place.

Put on a Farce

I don't believe in suffering to achieve an end, but I don't think I was pleased with myself as a baby.  I think my parents, obviously, thought it would be cute to make me fat and not shaped like a human.  I also looked tickled in a funny way.  I would want a handle on that, but I don't want to be the one to succumb to putting on a farce.  It shouldn't be like what my life is.  So, as a baby, I completed things substantially by one point but probably earlier put on a farce.

Dressed Up & What's Expected Essentially

Things do need to be dressed up, so I have what that is expected essentially.

Tyring to Complete Myself

I'm trying to complete myself.

Caught in the Act

Some people dress things up but haven't completed the substance.

Something Else Going Around

Why would people question people in their privacy why they aren't like them but are expected to be a certain way ... when that person probably is like that, just you didn't happen to know this particular person.


I've never been wronged by other people in a way I can't handle.  Why test me to death?  Why act like that doesn't matter?  Just trying to impress me and lie about me?  Is that even possible?


People do things just for the experience but don't believe in experiences of thinking of those things.  8|

Being Bad, Then Being Elusive


So, I see in people that they are very bad, but then it's that you're bad to them when you're not, in any case.  Like, they were bad, and then you see them just trying to make you feel like there's something wrong with you, when there could be and it could be helpful.  I just know that's not what life's about.

Kids ... Family ...

There are certain things about my parents that I don't do to tickle them, but they are still impressed by me and what I do, maybe fake but caring.  I've given up a lot in my life on this front, just to put on a display of something.  It must be peaceful, my parents's getting along, living together, going out in the world.  I never once whined nor felt the need to of my mom's connections she had and maybe had later with people in Chinese Indonesia.  Well, Indonesia, the Chinese, maybe primarily..  I don't feel buttered up the wrong way when I see the connection of my dad's relatives, but I get upset when I can't have a relationship with a lot of them.

So, when I see others, I feel they are sorta sucking up to their parents if they are well-liked or well-known and in some cases to the extreme, which is, in ways, as it should be.  Sometimes, it's the mom that takes on the kids, and, sometimes, it's the dad.  That's rather unkind.  They sometimes seem to be doing it for real.  I can understand having a relationship, but doing it literally to hurt others makes no sense.  I don't understand doing it just so someone can laugh at you and feel like they did it, too, which I don't overall.  There are always selfish reasons for doing things, but I myself get over them, obviously, not sure at the core why others don't.  It seems as though some of these kids think they can discipline the world to like their parents when what they want is to be the only one their parents like.  Some people even only want to be surrounded by people who don't offer healthy competition, like that's what they're told to think and so with physical experiences of the thought.  I know some people can be flirtatious, in ways I just described.

Saturday, July 28, 2012


I do want what's best for them and not to be waited on.

I can tell when something is important to them.

Others Instead of Me

I just wanted a safe life racially, not to be a poster for pro-Chinese feelings.

Watching for Your Reaction

I don't at all believe in succumbing to certain messages they give, meaning you should be in trouble for any reaction, like if it's a favor saying they like you over someone else.  I know it could also be if you find joy in outwitting them.  I guess you just have to judge what the person is saying and remember that other people are worth something.

So, basically, I don't believe in it as a test because that's doing the deed.  I know, sometimes I go through those things, but I grew up with that instilled in my functioning because it was true.  I don't do it myself.  I kind of disdain people who do because also they are not nice to me.  That's their problem if they're in league with the person they're dissing.

Out of the Shower

It's really funny when you get people out of the shower.

Just to Annoy You

These days, people don't continue things when you make fun of them, just to annoy you.  Then, that affects you more than you've affected them, in the 1st place, even if it doesn't even make any sense, at all.


It's funny when 2 people in different situations confront one another.

Something There

I found it wrong even just to be safe to try to be like other people.

I think what says it comes from both your heritage and what you do.  It's not about being cozier than the other person culturally.  I mean, it's good to be comfy and cozy.  It's not about rubbing in your race for those who don't need it.

What to Expect

I guess you can find that some things may be going for you, but if you don't do everything you're supposed to for a certain time things won't seem the way you expected.

Confusing Times

Why weren't you there for me when I needed you?

Please, don't mess up my life and come into it, like that.

What's right is what's important, not how old you are, which is also important, did you know?  Huh?  Why do I hear a no?  Is that the influence of others, whom you think I am to respect in a way that shows they are right when they are negative?  What is this?  I mean no harm.  Can you bring light to the situation and what I just wrote?


I found that doing everything right leaves open for adventure and that there has to be ways you can shield yourself from what's unwanted.


Why do people keep assuming things about my way of being connected to heritage-wise, like I'm just a joke?  What you do governs what happens to you when things change.

Ruining My Life

I don't see why so many people think they can "do things" for me and make my life worse than it is in the idea I owe them something for it.

5th and Final Video Uploaded


New Videos of Me


New Photos of Me



Why is everyone obsessed with me in every minute detail saying I make suggestions, like I'm a servant?

A Sin

I guess, for me, it's a sin to dye my hair.  I'm so thankful to have it back!  I had shaved it off twice when I didn't like how it was dyed.  I tried to do it myself, and I think it ruined the texture, hard to dye black hair.

Edit - IMDb Socks

Hard Time Dealing With Others

Why would anyone even think I'd do something wrong to someone else?  That in itself has become a suggestion.  I know people have a hard time dealing with me for unspoken reasons.

People are pretty forward with me, assume logic is nonsense but then do something to really hurt me.

Evil Queen

You can't be there at every corner making sure someone isn't cool|good.  That's like the evil queen in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.


So, you make it seem like you're casual in such a way to someone, admittedly closing the case.  Then, you act as though that's not so.  Also, you do things you didn't do before, as though it was the other person's fault.  Actually, what I'm thinking, it's none of my business, but it seems like it's there to taunt me.  It's funny when someone isn't open to anyone in society.  Some of those people are or aren't very open to their children, but it would make sense to me not to be, in this day and age.  That kinda ruins for me the opportunity in how I can compare myself to others's messages to me if I want children, some day!  It's all obvious in the plan, upset because someone else has achieved something you thought only you could, which doesn't make sense and I'd think wouldn't be able to happen, shouldn't.  You have to admit how important something is to you.  People look for others who care about them, even younger people.

Admitting You're Just Like Everyone Else ... in Some Way

Some people expect others to do things that they themselves do not do.

Like, they make other people deal with them, but they themselves get aroused when they meet a challenge.

I'm not sure "what" in society that brings up, neither, but I was just reading into something.

Me at Wal-Mart

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Treatment and Discipline

Do you believe that good people have reasons to "make mistakes?"  Also, I'm guessing those "mistakes" aren't so bad as what others are capable of committing.

Do you think good people should be judged harshly for making mistakes that doesn't include premeditated murder or premeditated bodily harm to a degree past a cut?

I learned that it's never right, even for bad people, but it's good to discipline.

"Step Up Revolution"

I really liked the girl and the guy.  The girl reminded me of someone I knew, a lot, and I was even worried she got a hold of their identity online, as I worry with other people, as well, because it was through me that they were like given away, in a way that didn't seem nice in some cases I've seen.  I pretty much wouldn't do it on purpose.

I saw a lot in it, though I'm not used to wording it.

The girl was very reflective and had a spunky spirit.  She was pretty romantic and kind.  She's another accomplice in the line of movies of dancing.

The boy was cute and could function well but obviously chose to be "bad."

Friday, July 27, 2012

Black People in Orlando

They sure are making fools of themselves.  I can't express how much I hate them for thinking they can identify with me.  They also act like they're on top of me.

New Photo of Me


New Video of Me Singing


monster-baby & Other Socks

I added monster-baby to my IMDb profile.

I also added a list of socks.  I have more to add.

A Big Change

I used to be more open to certain things with people, but now I don't trust them.  :D


There is no option to make the profile public.  It must be because I put the age as 13, the youngest you're allowed on MySpace.

One Chance

Ever why someone's one big shot is blown?  I can see some reasoning behind it.

Broken Promises

Why would people feel the need to suddenly pretend something about you ... like they pretend that things are better for them than they are, but they use you to do it?  That's embarrassingly mean.  It's easy enough to have an innocent desire and make the facts stand as exactly what they are and it be okay.  If it's not okay, you need to be on the move to figure out why without like promising things you can't keep.

If you want to change reality, you have to realize there are ways to do something that's needed and wanted in the right way.

Looking for Reactions

I noticed that people who look for reactions always are the ones who have their needs met.  However, I also noticed people whose reactions are caught as faulty are not necessarily okay.

Like, people who look for reactions in others are in a position where logic to them always means someone was unable to do something right, even if the reason seems strange.  The funny thing is that the person looking for the reactions in others doesn't have the same problem.  It seems in ways they do, however, they act like they're on top or something.  They don't even realize it, or, if they do, they don't think they're wrong.

Mixed Race

It seems people of mixed race always have it bad.


I guess it's all in the face.

As for their bodies, since we're on the topic, they tend to be rather smooth, I'd recollect|think.  I know Europeans are sensitive to their body's shape.  Like, you could have a plain straight arm, but it would mean something and would not be considered plain.

It seems southern Asians usually fall to looking less Asian, so I'm gonna go with the whitest Chinese.  The non-Chinese white Asians are always saying how they don't look Asian it seems, I mean what they seem to say.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

3 New Drawings by Me





More Differences, as Well as More Similarities

It's funny how, when 2 people agree, they have even more differences, in some ways.  You never know what there is to expect.


I feel that people are testing me to say I'm not a good person.  They think it's because of my parents, but I think they'd like my parents.

I noticed what stimulates people.

If they say they're right but they're wrong.

I guess it's like if they flat-out say it.

It shouldn't be a shame to say you get stimulated for being right.


I just came up with the idea that white Asians are whiter than Europeans, but I don't think they're fairer than Scandinavians.

I don't know which one is more devious, white or colored Asian.

What's more Asian?

So what's more "bad," the traditional white Oriental Chinese or a darkest most Asian Asian?

What Things Are Worth

I feel that people have been very mean to me.  They don't have any reason.

Averaging It Out

White people try to convince you that they're better because they come from where it's colder or they have a more sophisticated culture.

I figured that there are a good number of people who are mixed with cultures more white than some plus a balance with something less white.

f.y.i. - the 411

The only saving grace some people have is that something bad is going to come up anyway so they have to do something about it early.

Communicating Style

Most people, I know the ones in Orlando|Central Florida, do something bad and then you find it was just a joke.

I twist what people do wrong to be right, with some "umph" to it, and then I settle and say it's all fluff, anyway, like happy clouds and hearts and stars!!

Settlin' In


Hangin In

New Graphics for Youu!


I took down Christina's IMDb Memories, at least for now.


A New Blog to Keep up With My Old IMDb Posts

Christina's IMDb Memories

Now, you can get this background, tooo! :D


I just updated my Tips website! :)


"Use capitalization preferences because sometimes it shows up voluntarily."


Even if things for you are bad, you can still realize you're someone good!

Welcome to my blog!